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In recent years, ithas bee witnesssed a growing number of emoticons on the internet. These widely used emoticons include facial expressions such as smiling or crying faces, or cheeky toungue-out. Some of the expressions cannot even be annotated by words. These emoticons convey emotions that are uninterpretable yet understandable. As these internet-generated emoticons become secret codes among youngsters, they transcend the virtuality of the world of internet and serve to symbolize this new generation. In Smile, and Take a Sear, :)signifies a comfortable chair. This Friendly smiley face, once used in the 1960s as an Anti-War symbol, appears frequently on the internet in our time. When it is turned into public art and appears in the form of street furniture, it signals the importance of seeing each other face-to-face. Youngsters would exchange smiles everyday when they meet each other.
Author Tsai Wen-Hsyang
District WanHua
Author Lin Chaoching
Author Tsai Yao Cheng, Yeh Chih Hsiu
Author WooYo Design
Author Lanya Huang
Author Sandwishes Studio
Author Leading LEE
Author Make paths CO., LTD., 、 Treasured time, text studio 、 Jut Foundation for Arts and Architecture
Author Chao-Ching Lin
Author Xiu-Qi-Wang
Author Lee Yun-Shan
Author Wun-Cing-Huang
Author Chang Ming-Feng
Author Chang Nai-Wen
Author Jane Ming-Hui
Address Wanhua District, Guangzho...
Author Chao-ching Lin
Author 、
Author Tao, Ya-Lun、Chung-Hsing
Address Wanhua District, Taipei C...
Author The Paper Windmill Arts and Educational Foundation, Taiwan
Address Water Road, Taipei's Wanh...