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DOORS │ ActiveCreativeDesign Kuei Yu HO &Patrice MUGNIER The work DOORS is a media installation in an urban space. Through the form of door frames, people interactively view different films taken in the same location. Each door opens onto a different time and space. By standing in front of a door, we start a journey through time and imagination. Our presence activates different interactive narrative video segments, past or future. Through these stories the work seeks to awaken hidden feelings about this place. This work of public art was designed and created by ActiveCreativeDesign. The works that are an integral part of the interactive process come from three contemporary artists engaged in different genres: documentaries, dance and visual art. DOORS - Voyage in Time │ Director Che Hsien SU "The city is a stage, and my morning ride on the MRT is a prelude to performing." When using a camera to record the faces of local residents, even a documentary format cannot fail to reveal the performance with which life is imbued. By overlapping images of famous people and city streets, the camera reproduces a jolting sensation of fleeting moments, flashes of déjàvu and scenes never really seen before. The power to be photographed (or photograph) and perform (or watch a performance) is released from the confines of the elite. DOORS - Loading City │ Choreographer I Fen TUNG The phrase "Loading City" is a homonym of the message "Program Loading" that frequently appears on computer and smartphone screens ("City" and "Program" are pronounced the same in Chinese). The proliferation of cell phones and Internet information in modem society has created a situation in which certain areas of the city landscape have been unconsciously forgotten. Through the use of a screen, this work transforms these oft discarded corners of daily life into whimsical images of the human body. It also depicts the interpersonal relationships of modern people, whereby even in groups individuals remain distant and disassociated from one another, hence the need to "reload" the viewers' awareness of the city in which they live. Through the flowing physical movements of dancers, the work creates a spatial fantasy, and also reflects on the dimension of time, manifesting the constantly changing nature of the city and the way in which time passes through it. DOORS - STATIC │ Artists Robin KOBRYNSKI & imagenumérique TM The urban landscape defines a common environment for all the inhabitants of the city. Its aesthetic carries strong visual forms related to the collective unconscious. Sometimes, this everyday environment appears frozen to us: only the flow of people and
Author Yang-huei Chiang, VERY Conception Corporation
District SongShan
Author Kuei Yu Ho & Patrice MUGNIER
Author Hung Tung-Lu
Author Yuan Goang-Ming
Author Wang Shin-Yu
Author Edwin Cheong
Author Nan-Kai, Chao
Author Chien-Fu (WunderArt Co., Ltd.)
Author Biofication
Author seed spacelab co.
Author Jhih-Liang-Luo 、 、
Author Shih-Yong-Gu
Address Between No. 315 and No. 3...
Author Xiu-Qi-Wang 、 Jing-Tian Yang 、 Jia-Xin Wu
Address No.101, Sec.4, Bade Rd., ...
Author Cing-Zong-Lin
Address The intersection of Dunhu...
Author Cing-Jhih-Guo
Address Keelung Road, Xinyi Distr...
Author Cheng-Ling-Huang
Author Cheng-Ping-Dong
Author Ming-Jhe-Huang
Address Channelized Island at the...
Author Cing-Huei-Huang
Address The central median island...
Author Chung-Yu-Huang
Address On the sidewalk at the in...
Author Cing-Yuan-Jhang
Address No. 27, Sec. 1, Huanshan ...
Author cheng-hung-chen
Author Chao Kuo Tsung
Author Chien-fu, Wu
Author Grapharch Design Communications